Oriental Rug Cleaning

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How To Clean An Oriental Rug

Oriental rugs are typically made from heavy fabrics (cotton or cotton, even silk) and used to fulfill symbolic and utilitarian purposes. A crucial element of any commercial or residential decor is the usage of rug. In particular, oriental-style rugs when combined with rug designs, add the right amount of color, personality and elegance to any room. The appeal of rugs can be created through the diversity of patterns and colors available in area rugs that can add a touch of elegance to every room. Maintaining your rug in an most effective way is equally important. Rugs must be regularly cleaned to prolong their lifespan and make them more usable. If you are familiar with the process it’s not too difficult. You can always seek out an expert cleaning service for tips and advice, here are some helpful tips to help you get going.

Cleaning Tips for Your Oriental Rug

The annual spring cleaning includes vacuuming and cleaning the oriental carpet. When you are trying to get rid of loose dirt carpets, the carpet vacuum cleaners can be very useful. The principal benefit of this method of cleaning is that you don’t have to move your rug to wash it. In addition it requires less effort and takes less time. However, keep in mind that a vacuum can cause damage to your rug.


You must ensure you don’t press too hard. Pressing too hard could damage the carpet fibers , allowing them to wear away. Use the most gentle settings to prevent fibers. The oriental rugs you have are created. Use a soft bristled comb or comb to clean the rug’s fibers to create a cleaner appearance. Make sure to brush your carpet after drying and washing the rug. Oriental rugs are able to be maintained at your home using the help of detergent. If you are cleaning your rug, do not apply other aggressive chemical agents and chemicals.

Talk to the salesperson for details on how to clean your oriental rug with the use of detergent you select, prior to deciding on the right cleaning product. Test the cleaning agent on the un-visible area of the rug to make sure that there is no chance of damage will be done by the rug. Making sure that your rug is kept clean will the best way to extend its lifespan and increase its appeal.

Over time, rugs be prone to collecting plenty of dirt, grime and dust. Dust and dirt may accumulate and be absorbed into the fibers of the rug wool, wool, or silk. The rug’s color is not just look dull, but can also pose health risks when not treated in properly.

Professional Oriental Rug Cleaning

High-end and expensive handmade oriental rug or Turkish carpets require expert rug cleaning to ensure they are durable and attractive. Bleach and harsh chemicals are not suggested for use on the rugs because they can cause damage. Rug sellers also offer cleaning services to make sure they remain clean and gorgeous for longer. The original beauty, color appearance, and design of your carpet could be completely restored with expert rug cleaning. It’s best to seek out the professional rug cleaners in your area to clean your rug cleaned, especially should you not know how to deal with these rugs.

Carpet Cleaning Oriental Area Rug At Home

Cleaning these carpets at home isn’t a great method, especially for expensive and top quality ones that are made of pure wool or silk. However, you can clean wool and cotton rug after you’ve carefully examined and followed the instructions provided by the producer. Start by vacuuming the rug in order to get the loose particles to go away and then wash it using cold water and gentle detergent. Be sure to air it so that it’s not in the sun’s rays and dry naturally. Here are the steps to use to manually clean your rug at home, should you decide to. These instructions are to be used for oriental rugs. by delicate fabrics made of silk shouldn’t be cleaned by yourself, rather, they should be professionally cleaned by rug cleaners.

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Professional carpet cleaning services which offer Oriental rug cleaning services address a variety of carpet problems , including food spills, urine and stool. Carpets with urine from pets is among the issues which require a thorough solution. The chemical content of urine alters the color of the rug. Additionally, the odor of urine is nearly impossible to eliminate. It also can ruin the rug, creating a less flexible rug as well as causing cracks and folds and weakening its elasticity. In the end, the presence of urine may cause the most serious problems of all moths.

You may be thinking what do moths harm your rug or carpet? In the first place, it’s not actually the moth that causes damage to your carpet, but their larva! Moths are known to lay a variety of eggs on carpets and they can be extremely difficult to locate. After they hatch, this is where the problem begins because larvae could eat away at the carpet and leave it in a terrible state.

Another thing to be aware of is the stool or the regurgitation that your dog is able to produce. Although the effects of this aren’t so complicated as urine from your pet, it can nevertheless be very gross! In fact, it could be so unpleasant that homeowners might be forced to clean up this complicated mix by themselves. Pet stool may make the dye less effective and can stain the pile in a different shade.

How to Clean Each Kind of Oriental Rug Material

Oriental rugs are a beautiful and luxurious addition to any home, but they can be tricky to clean. Cosmo Carpet Cleaning is here to help! We specialize in cleaning all types of Oriental rugs, from delicate silk to sturdy wool. We will work with you to determine the best way to clean your rug, based on its material and level of soiling. Our experienced and certified technicians are gentle with your rug and will take care to preserve its beauty. In addition, we offer pick-up and delivery service for your convenience. Call us today to schedule a consultation!
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