Area Rug Cleaning

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Area Rug Cleaning

If you own oriental rugs, you might not realize how valuable they are. They are placed in the middle of our floors, put them on furniture on them and treat them like we would any other flooring. We walk over them.

Rugs are designed to withstand abuse. However, there are a few items that can result in permanent damage or ruin your gorgeous rugs. However careful you are in vacuuming or spots removal will come time when deeply infiltrated soil dirt, contaminants, oils, and pollutants have to be eliminated.

Don’twait until your carpet is dirty. Wool can conceal a huge amount of dirt. The granular soils that you find in your rugs can cause irreparable damages to your fibers.

 We take care of your rug with the highest attention and respect, with no harmful or harsh chemicals. As a green company we use only safe and powerful products that keep your area rug fresh, beautiful and fresh. We also restore its appeal.


We are a specialist in a range of area rugs, including Persian rug, Oriental rugs, and Domestic rug. We also provide free Pickup along with Delivery solutions to customers for cleaning their implant or, often, we will do the cleaning on-site, if needed. Our highly trained technicians will perform an initial assessment of the carpet, and will follow the suggested method that works best for your particular carpet.

We Carpet Cleaners custom carpet cleaning method will get rid of the most difficult dirt, odors and stains that can build up over time. Our methods are tried and tested methods that can restore your carpet to its original condition and protect their delicate materials.

DNA Pro Cleaning is outfitted with cutting-edge technology to carry out the cleaning process thoroughly and safely on your carpet. After all the dirt and grime was removed, the carpet cleaning procedure usually requires solutions of varying pH levels to finish the cleaning. After we’ve completed our cleaning process, we’ll bring back the initial pH by neutralizing any materials solutions that were utilized.

Our Rug Cleaning Procedure:

1. Pre-Inspection
The technicians at our service will perform an evaluation of the rug in order to assess its condition as well as the cloth , and then determine the best way to get the best results.

2. Dusting and Pre-Vacuuming
The second , and most important process is to get the carpet ready for deep cleaning process by dusting and pre-vacuuuming the bottom and top of the carpet several times to eliminate the dry dirt. The amount of dirt that is removed from the carpet typically, are unexpected.

3. Pre-Conditioning
The carpet’s fibers are pre-conditioned using safe cleaning agents, and then moved to loosen soils.

4. Spot Treatment and Odor
In this phase we’ll carry out any other special treatment required, such as eliminating pet odor and spot removal..



5. Hand Washing
The carpet will then be washed by hand at our washing pit. Once we have completed this step We will use the latest equipment to remove and get rid of as much moisture as we can to achieve the best outcomes and faster drying.

6. Drying
After an effective and safe hand-washing, the rug is then dried.

7. Inspect before delivery to customer The Final Step
The rug will be subject to an inspection at the end to make sure that it is ready to be returned to the owner. We will groom the fringes and carpet, or alternatively, we will apply fiber protection to keep the freshly cleaned rug from getting stained in the future. The rug is now all set to be wrapped and then delivered to your residence.

How to Clean Each Kind of Rug Material

Rugs must be cleaned regularly and spot-cleaned every time there’s a spot. Once a year, they need to be deep-cleaned. Always check the care label to know the appropriate method of cleaning it: dry-cleaned, hand-washed or simply spot-cleaned.

Synthetic and cotton Rugs for the Area
If the carpet you have isn’t smaller than the norm, it can be put in the washing machine. Choose a cold setting for the delicate cycle and allow it to air dry.

However, if your carpet is too large to be machine-washed, you could do the deep-cleaning by hand. We suggest doing this during a day with sunshine since you’ll have to carry the carpet outside to wash as well as dry.

What You’ll Have

  1. Vacuum
  2. Broom
  3. Dish soap for the carpet or shampoo liquid
  4. Tarp
  5. Drying rack for laundry
  6. Hose
  7. Soft-bristle brush
  8. Towels

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